Professional Organizations
BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation. BioLogos provides virtual and actual meeting places where the best Christian minds in the sciences, theology, biblical studies, philosophy, and other fields meet on these topics of mutual interest for the good of the church. With a commitment to spirited and gracious dialogue and a confidence in the ultimate harmony between science and faith, we aim to help the church develop a worldview that embraces both of these complex but complementary ways of understanding the world and our place in it.
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Affiliation of Christian Geologists
Promoting fellowship for Christian professionals in the geosciences and providing educational resources for people interested in issues relating to geology and Christianity.
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American Scientific Affiliation
ASA is a fellowship of men and women in science and disciplines that relate to science who share a common fidelity to the Word of God and a commitment to integrity in the practice of science.
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The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
The Center is a Christian bioethics research center of Trinity International University, whose mission states, "exploring the nexus of biomedicine, biotechnology, and our common humanity," designates our commitment to anticipate, research, and analyze the emerging bioethical issues of our day. In this way, the Center exists to equip thought leaders to engage the issues of bioethics using the tools of rigorous research, conceptual analysis, charitable critique, leading-edge publication, and effective teaching.
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Christian Nuclear Fellowship (Nuclear Science and Technology)
The CNF is an informal, interdenominational group of evangelical Christians who work in the field of nuclear science and technology and who want to encourage each other to faithfully follow Jesus Christ in both their private and public lives (including their professional activities).
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Christian Scientific Society
The Christian Scientific Society is a new society in the model of the Christian Legal Society and Christian Medical and Dental Associations. It differs from some other science societies in that 1) members must be actual scientists or grad students (though others may become associate members), and 2) it is fairly theologically conservative but it is not a "young earth creationist" society.
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American Scientific Affiliation 76th Anniversary Annual Meeting
July 28-31, 2017 | Colorado School of Mines | Golden, CO
The theme of this year's annual conference is "Earth, Energy, Environment"
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Genetic & Reproductive Technologies - 24th Annual Summer Conference
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
June 22-24, 2017 | Trinity International University | Deerfield, IL
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